Release Notes
Informative display at the top of the screen
- The following elements are displayed at the top of the screen: partner name, account balance, account number and customer name. You can select the arrow located next to the customer name which will display sign out or logout options.
- Immediately after login, an informative welcome page displays your account summary, billing summary and your usage. This allows you to perform shortcuts that enable you to manage your plan and verify if your account is in good standing.
A less cluttered dashboard and less cluttered pages:
You are able to view your options conveniently nested under three primary umbrellas: Account, Billing, and Sites. Simply hover over the umbrella and a menu bar appears with a list of page options.
- The ‘Account’ umbrella encompasses the following four pages: Organization, Manage Plan, Users and Recent Activities.
- The ‘Users & Settings’ page in IVY 3 is divided into two subpages in IVY 4: ‘Users’ and ‘Organization.’ On the ‘User’s page, you can create or delete users. The ‘Organization’ page has options to edit your balance and recharge preferences as well as your billing/contact address. You can also close your customer account via the ‘Organization’ page.
- The ‘Recent Activities’ page has been relocated under the ‘Account’ umbrella. This page is broken down into three sections:
- Statements: You can view the five most recent monthly statements.
- Transactions table: This table displays your five most recent payments
- Recent Account Activity table: The ‘Recent Activities’ table lists the ten most recent billable activities and you can use the pagination menus to review your billable activity history.
- The ‘Billing’ umbrella still houses the option to view monthly statements under the ‘Statements’ page and payment history under the ‘Payments’ page. In addition to these existing features, a new ‘Credit cards’ page has been incorporated under this umbrella and is dedicated to securely authenticating your payment information. You can now seamlessly add, verify, or delete your credit card(s) or primary method of payment on this page.
- You can hover over the ‘Site’ umbrella in order to view the list of sites associated with your account. The ability to create a ‘New Site’ is also located under the ‘Site’ umbrella. Please review the “revamping the method of viewing sites” for more information.
An array of navigation options have been implemented to enhance search functionality:
- In IVY 4, strategically placed pagination menus have been embedded throughout the platform.You have the opportunity to leverage this navigation tool via the ‘Recent Activities’ page under the customer ‘Account’ and ‘Billing’ umbrellas. One pagination menu is located above the ‘Recent Activities’ table and one is located below the table. Under the ‘Billing’ umbrella, pagination menus have been placed on the ‘Payments’ and ‘Statements’ pages which enable you to efficiently review previous records.
Revamping the method of viewing sites
The following items are the collection of features that you can add, edit, or delete within a site:
- Conference rooms
- Devices
- E911s
- Extensions
- Fax machines
- Forwards
- Menus
- Phone numbers
- Ring groups
- Schedules
- SIP trunks
- Voicemail boxes
A more user-friendly format now allows you to view the various features within your site(s). Each feature has a feature tab (or feature accordion) that can be expanded or collapsed. When a feature tab is expanded, you can view a table that displays the site objects nested within the feature tab. These site object tables possess additional characteristics that were not previously available or have been modified:
- Site settings have an individual section on the page: In this section, you can change the site’s status (to active or inactive), delete the site, refresh or force rebuild the site, and make any necessary edits to the site’s profile.
- Transition from buttons to icons: IVY 3 had buttons that stated the specific action a user could execute (such as ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’). You can now select icons (such as a trash icon for ‘Delete’) that will enable you to perform the desired action. Within each feature tab, there is an add icon (
). You can add site objects by selecting this icon.
- Users know the number of site objects within a feature tab: You now have two methods of determining how many site objects are within a feature tab. For example, if you want to know how many devices are associated with a particular site, you can expand the feature tab. Located at the top right-hand corner is the quantity of devices. Alternatively, after expanding the device tab, you can also determine the amount of devices by viewing the bottom left corner of the device table. The table lists all devices (showing ten devices at a time) and you can navigate through the entries in the table using the arrow menu. Even when the feature tab is collapsed, the quantity of devices is always displayed.
- Precision in searching and finding the records you are looking for:
- The table in each feature tab is associated with a search bar. Let’s say you are looking for a specific device listed in the device table (under the ‘Device’ tab), but there are too many device records to sift through and using the arrow bar may be too time-consuming. Simply type into the search bar any of the device’s attributes: the device’s name, login, caller ID name, or caller ID number. Your search results will display the specific device you are looking for.
- The records in the site object tables can be organized to your preferences. When you select/click on the title of certain columns, the table will rearrange and display site object records based on a unique chronological pattern. Consider the ‘Name’ column. When you click ’Name,’ the table displays the site object records based on the ‘Name’ column being listed in alphabetical order.
- While each site object has ‘Edit’ and ‘Delete’ icons in the ‘Action’ column, you can also make your desired edits to a site object by clicking/selecting the ‘Name’ of the site object. Let’s say you have a device with the name listed in the ‘Name’ column as “Janet’s Laptop.” Simply click on the name (in this case “Janet’s Laptop”) and this will redirect you to making changes to the device profile.